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  C. H. Mackintosh
    (Charles Henry)



Charles Henry Mackintosh (generally known as C.H.M.) was born in October 1820, at Glenmalure Barricks, County Wicklow, Ireland. Mackintosh was converted at the age of eighteen through the letters of a dear sister, and the reading of J. N. Darby’s works.

When he was twenty-four years of age, he opened a private school at Westport, but it was not long before he concluded he must give himself entirely to the ministry of God’s Word. Soon thereafter he established a periodical, which he continued to edit for twenty-one years, Things New and Old.

Mackintosh died on November 2, 1896, and was buried in Cheltenham Cemetery, awaiting the resurrection morn. He left behind a rich legacy of rich Scriptural writings.

Now that more than one hundred years have passed since his death, it is difficult to come upon much factual detail concerning his own personal life. But what we do know is that he was a man of mild spirit, deep devotion, and abiding love. His gracious spirit was always known to have avoided conflict as far as possible.



The Church’s Heavenly Character (#3579) by C. H. Mackintosh (1820-1896). “During the greater part of the nineteenth century, there lived and labored in Great Britain a true and devoted servant of God, Charles Henry Mackintosh. He was one of the early Brethren, commonly called Plymouth Brethren. His chief writings are found in the six-volumes Notes on the Pentateuch, and the six-volumes Miscellaneous Writings of C.H.M. He never used his name in connection with his writings and to most of his readers he is known only by his initials ‘C.H.M.’ In 1850 he wrote a series of papers on The Life and Times of Elijah. In the final paper of this series under ‘Concluding Remarks’ we find a strong testimony in confirmation of the unique ministry of Paul. This section is reprinted here as The Church’s Heavenly Character.” – Otis Q. Sellers (1901-1992) 44 pages, paperback.$5.95
Simon Peter: His Life and Its Lessons (#3647) by C. H. Mackintosh (1820-1896). During the greater part of the nineteenth century, there lived and labored in Great Britain a true and devoted servant of God, Charles Henry Mackintosh. He was one of the early Brethren, commonly called Plymouth Brethren. His chief writings are found in the six-volumes Notes on the Pentateuch, and the six-volumes Miscellaneous Writings of C.H.M. He never used his name in connection with his writings and to most of his readers he is known only by his initials “C.H.M.”

This is book draws lessons from the life of the Apostle Peter. It has an underlying elementary dispensational approach: “All intelligent Christians understand that the apostle Peter was commissioned, by his Lord and ours, to open the Kingdom of Heaven to both Jew and Gentile. To him were committed the keys, not of the Church, nor yet of heaven, but of ‘the Kingdom of Heaven;” and we find him using them in Acts 2 and 10.” C.H.M. (page 83). Facsimile. Paperback. 44 pages. $9.95